“Why-oh-Wye” – The Ninkasi Team Summer Day Out

It was back in April that James suggested we all take a day off from delivering tanks under the guise of “team building”. The suggested activity? Canoeing.

We are incredibly lucky that our office is based just outside Gloucester, a few miles from the beautiful River Wye. It’s impossible to feel anything but joy when you’re gliding serenely down a glorious river in good company. Whilst the good company was lacking, we did have a few drinks – only slightly tainted by rainwater – and many laughs.

We arrived bright and early at Symonds Yat (this would be our end point) to be kitted out with paddles and attractive buoyancy aids. There was a brief safety talk, “avoid overhanging trees, be aware of faster moving water and make sure your floatation vest is on tightly – if you end up dead, I want to make sure I can find the bodies”.

The team then drove us upriver in a minibus to Ross on Wye and saw us off onto the water.


And then we proceeded to have the most chaotic “relaxed” day ever, paddling gently through the everchanging countryside.

The River Wye runs under arched bridges and open meadows, past bemused herons and patient fishermen, by castles and villages and into the Forest of Dean. It was all very picturesque but perhaps lost on us during our antics!

Just over a third of the way down the river, we dragged our canoes up the steep bank for a spot of lunch and a cocktail or two at the very aptly named ‘Inn on the Wye’. We couldn’t stop for long as we still had a large chunk of our journey to complete before the 4.30pm deadline!


By the time we returned to Symonds Yat (through valleys so glorious with trees you feel like you’re paddling on the Amazon… only with less piranhas…) everyone was thoroughly worn out (and a little damp from the malicious capsizing!)

We can recommend a day on the river if you’re looking for something to do in this part of the world. Although this author would prefer the next activity involves two feet on solid ground and a hand wrapped around a glass of something alcoholic!