Case Study – Big Smoke Brew Co.

Big Smoke Brew Co are a true Craft brewery, founded in the back of a pub (The Antelope) in Surbiton. Rich and James had the vision and belief to create something extraordinary, but needed additional capacity to continue to grow the business, this is their story;

Firstly, Rich and James needed a Head Brewer, Nick was literally stopped on the tarmac before boarding a flight back to New Zealand (think any good Rom/Com), and the rest of the team soon followed. Together they all started creating not only amazing beers but a loyal and dedicated customer base – growth followed swiftly and sizeably.

To meet demand the team at Big Smoke decided to contract brew two of their beers, however they knew that what they really wanted was a bigger brewery. In December 2018 they took delivery of a new 30HL kit, increasing capacity four-fold, and allowing them to bring all of the control and functionality back in house. Importantly for the team at Big Smoke, it enabled much more control of the process and they were able to achieve greater consistency across their range.

Big Smoke soon found themselves in the enviable position whereby they had grown exponentially in a short space of time and were running out of capacity again for their core range. Recognising the quality control, they had when they brewed the beer inhouse, they needed to find a solution which increased capacity, while at the same time protecting their cash flow and capital reserves.

They spoke to Ninkasi, who agreed to purchase Uni Tanks for them and install them into their brewery. Big Smoke agreed to rent the tanks while they decided their next growth phase.  The team at Big Smoke loved the Ninkasi experience, not only was the service professional but they could brew into the vessels within 24hrs from completed delivery.

Watch the video below to hear their thoughts on working with Ninkasi